The First Basket


When Ossie Schectman, a Jewish kid from Brooklyn, made the first basket for the New York Knickerbockers back in 1946, who knew it was the precursor of today's NBA? For Jewish immigrants, especially youth, sports played an important role in helping them assimilate. By the 1920s, almost all urban Jewish neighborhoods had a basketball team. When these teams evolved into professional leagues by the late 1940s, Jewish players and coaches led the way.

Detail Info
Editor Carol Slatkin
Cinematographer Gary Griffin
Cinematographer Dennis P. Boni
David Vyorst Producer
Katri Billard Associate Producer
David Vyorst Screenwriter
David Vyorst Director
Running Time 1 hr. 26 min.
Release Date October 29th, 2008 (NY)
Distributors Laemmle/Zeller Films
Production Co. Zej Media
Produced in US