

Yakuza Masashi and his Thai lover Zin were forced to separate with Masashi being sent back to Japan and Zin to continue staying in Bangkok as a single mother. Brought up single-handedly by Zin, thier daughter Zen is autistic in nature. She is compensated with agility and picks up Muay Thai through watching television programs and from observing the trainings taking place at the Muay Thai academy next door. Zen becomes an obsessive fighter who excels at catching fast-flying objects. When Zin is diagnosed with cancer, Zen has to fight her way through to collect money from her mother's debtors to raise her medical funds.

JeeJa Yanin
Ammara Siripong
Hiroshi Abe
Pongpat Wachirabunjong

Detail Info
Directed by Prachya Pinkaew
Duration 110 min
Country Thailand
Genre Action
US Rating PG13

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tazman said...

If you like Ong Bak, then this movie will fit on you. In this movie, the main character play by Thai lady, like Jackie Chan do, with no stunt replacement.

It's about MuayThai, it's about martial art, but the story too thin.. anyway.. it's a good martial art movie.

It seem in US is Not Available on theater, so just satisfy your eyes with DVD or Bluray.